Amazing Retirement Destinations!

 In Budgets, Expectations, Financial Planning, Forecasts, Future, Goals, Happiness, Inspiration, Motivation, Past, Retirees, Retirement, Saving Money, Social Security

ARE YOU SAVING FOR RETIREMENT SO YOU CAN VISIT SOME OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND BREATHTAKING PLACES IN THE WORLD?  Take a few minutes and check them out. Pretty amazing aren’t they?  What’s your favorite?  

I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO VISIT A COUPLE OF THESE.  Many are right here in the US and others are in more distant locations on the other side of the globe.  Is this what you are hoping for or are your expectations, well, more modest?

IF YOU’RE LIKE MOST, WHEN YOU THINK OF RETIREMENT, YOU VISUALIZE YOUR LIFE.  You imagine what you might be able to do and where you might be able to go. You think of who you might be with at that time – Family, friends or others.  For many, these images are great motivators to save.  In fact, if you aren’t imagining your future in some fashion or way, why are you saving?  You must have some idea, or hope, of what you’ll be able to do.   

AS A FINANCIAL ADVISOR, I THINK IT IS PERFECTLY FINE FOR ORDINARY PEOPLE TO HAVE LOFTY, UNUSUAL OR EXOTIC GOALS.  You may achieve some, a few, or none at all.  You might get close and fall short.  Or, as you age your aspirations might change entirely.  Ask retirees if they were doing what they imagined and many will tell you their life is far different than they had expected.   Some might be disappointed and have regrets while others are quite content and happy.  

WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO?  DO ANY OF THESE DESTINATIONS MAKE THE LIST?  Or will you be happy to stay where you are?  More importantly, what are you saving for anyway?  There is no wrong answer.

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